Please meet the brain behind Ample Translations: medical translation services from English into German provided to you by Ulrike Nichols, an experienced medical translator based in Leamington Spa. Key services include translations, revisions, and editing of:
Medical Texts such as brochures, presentations, websites, training materials, product surveys, academic articles
Pharmaceutical Products such as product characteristics, clinical trials, certification documents, marketing authorization documents
Medical technology such as manuals for medical devices, apps
“Medicine is my lawful wife and literature my mistress; when I get tired of one, I spend the night with the other.”
(Anton Chekhov)

Experience & Expertise
ISO 17100:2015 Qualification through Institute of Translation and Interpreting (ITI)
Qualified Member of the ITI
Medical translations (patient information, consent forms, study protocols, medical articles, marketing materials, websites, questionnaires)
Academic papers and articles (history of medicine, education)
Legal translations (contracts)
Press Releases
General translations (personal documents and certificates, CVs, brochures)
Medical Workshops organised by the Medical Network of the ITI (recent topics include NIHR, COPD, Covid-19, acute medicine, neurology, music and the brain)
Textoptimierung - Einfach gendern. Ein Kombinwebinar mit Hendrike Doerr, organized by the Bundesverband der Dolmetscher und Übersetzer e. V.
Short Course on Drugs and the Brain, Prof. Henry A. Lester, CALTECH, provided by Coursera
Seminars on chemistry and biotechnology for translators (with Ed Zanders from Pharmaguide)
Training course on contract law for translators (with David Hutchins from Lexacom)
Seminars on Medicine (in particular, cardiology, immunology and urology) for Translators, organized by the BDÜ in Germany
ITI Professional Development Courses, including IT and the Internet, Meet the Client, EU-terminology
File Formats
While machine translation (like DeepL or Google Translate) is not used at Ample Translations, translation software like SDL Trados, MemoQ, XTM or Phase is integral to my work. I use these tools to create my own translation memories and termbases, but I do not rely on a search engine to complete the actual translation. Standard formats I work with include:
Web files (HTML, XML)
Email and PDF (InDesign) files
Trados files (packages, SDLXLIFF)
Wordfast files
MemoQ files
experience & expertise
what clients say...
“Vielen Dank für Ihre Bereitschaft, sich so tief in die Materie einzuarbeiten; das ist nicht selbstverständlich!”
Dr. Sabine Schlegelmilch
Institut für Geschichte der Medizin Universität Würzburg
"Thank you for taking the time to do check the client's feedback so that I can report back to them. That is very useful."
Alexandra Vicente
Account Manager

"It's been a joy to work with you
and sorry for the less than ideal translation projects - nothing is too big of a challenge for you! :)"
Megan Trickett
Senior Project Solutions Manager at Comtec Translations Ltd.
"Mit der Übersetzungstätigkeit von Dr. Nichols bin ich hochzufrieden. Alle Aufträge werden zuverlässig und zeitgerecht erledigt. Auch editorielle Überarbeitungen von Power-Point-Präsentationen führt sie umsichtig und professionell aus."
Dr. Kurt Trübner
Facharzt für Rechtsmedizin
Universitätsklinikum Essen
"Ulrike is one of our long-standing, reliable linguists for medical translations from English to German."
Dr. Isabelle Moore
Company Director
Comtec Translations Ltd.

M: +44 (0) 785 249 8936
If you require a quote, please send me your document and any further details of the order by email (preferred and faster method) or by filling out the contact form.
NOTE: Your data will not be shared with third parties unless you specifically request this. Neither will they be kept by me in my system unless we establish a business relationship within a month. If you write to me via this contact form and we have no further contact within about a month, your data will be deleted in my system.